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The Open Palm
Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

The Open Palm

When I was a young child, I couldn’t wait until I was an old person (which I was sure all 40-year-olds were). I thought the years of working would be finished, and there would be financial security, a solid relationship with the person I would grow old with, and a house full of children and grandchildren. Naively, I thought that all of the trials and tribulations of life would be behind me. But as I have exceeded the doddering age of 40, I have come to see that the picture doesn’t always look the way it was envisioned in youth and that those lessons, and the pain that often accompanies them, do not stop.

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Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn


I’ve been asked a lot lately about what possessed me to make the radical changes to my life I’ve made this past year and the even more radical ones I am embarking on in the next couple of months. What made me leave the comforts of the life I knew is a question I get from people (particularly women) excited to see me designing a whole new life but seemingly resigned to not daring to dream themselves.

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Love Warriors
Self Help, Holistic Mind The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Self Help, Holistic Mind The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

Love Warriors

February is a very dreary month in many parts of the world, so it’s easy to forget that it is also the month when we celebrate the most powerful force on earth - love. It’s actually quite extraordinary that a species that can be unspeakably hateful, destructive, and evil to our fellow man and our planet home actually stops to acknowledge and celebrate love, albeit for one day. For most, Valentine's Day is a celebration of romantic love, which is a beautiful connector between two people lucky enough to find it. But if we take a look at love past the intimate relationship, chocolates, and greeting cards, we might start to wonder why we don’t celebrate this with the rest of humanity every single day.

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New Year, New Visions
Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

New Year, New Visions

Happy New Year!?

This is something we say this time of year, but it occurs to me that this is more of a question than a statement. Whether it will be happy or not will be significantly impacted by the energy that you bring to it.

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The Goodbye
Healthy Home, Self Help, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Healthy Home, Self Help, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

The Goodbye

The 18th-century French poet and novelist Anatole France said “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” Those words rang so true as I spent the past few weeks saying a bittersweet goodbye to the place I have called home for the last 22 years.

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The Awakening
Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Self Help The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

The Awakening

I write often about awakening and transformation and knowing when it is time for change. It is evident when it’s time for a transformation of our physical space, but few of us ever see when it’s time for spiritual transformation. So often the need for change in our lives starts with a feeling of dis-ease or discomfort. It’s usually subtle enough that we can ignore it or easily obscure it by distraction. But soon, the tap on the shoulder returns, and we’re given the choice to look at something or stuff it back down. Look at it, or stuff it back down. Look at it, or stuff it back down.

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