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The Goodbye
Healthy Home, Self Help, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Healthy Home, Self Help, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

The Goodbye

The 18th-century French poet and novelist Anatole France said “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” Those words rang so true as I spent the past few weeks saying a bittersweet goodbye to the place I have called home for the last 22 years.

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Ancient Wisdom
Home Design, Interior Design, Healthy Home The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Home Design, Interior Design, Healthy Home The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

Ancient Wisdom

I’ve recently fallen in love… with a country. A summer vacation in Greece not only ticked off another bucket list item but it’s left me deeply impressed for many reasons. One was the beauty of the culture and history of the land. Another was the kindness and good humor of the people. Yet another was the sheer beauty of the land and sea. But one of the things that struck me most was the way the titans of their ancient mythology still weave their way into their modern-day lives.

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Who’s Style is it Anyway?
Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

Who’s Style is it Anyway?

Welcome back, friends. I hope you all had a few relaxing months off the hamster wheel. I know I did. Bidding farewell to summer is always tough for me. It takes me until August to finally get into the groove and then, poof, the world snaps back to what seems more fast-paced and less playful.

Just when I was feeling the atrophy that comes from summer brain, a friend asked me a very interesting question, which fired me right back up again. She said she’d been thinking of a way to arrange her thoughts into words that formed just the right question to pose to me. She was finally able to distill a pretty complex question into a few simple words…”How do I find my style?”

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I Need a Magic Wand
Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

I Need a Magic Wand

As an interior designer, one of the worst parts of my job is having to tell someone that there are some problems that just can’t be fixed, or if they can be, the costs will be sky-high. Since pulling back from my full-service design business I have concentrated solely on doing consultation work. Last month alone, I had the unfortunate job of telling three lovely homeowners that same bad news. They all said the very same thing, “I wish I would have known to call you first”.

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The Proportion Principle
Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

The Proportion Principle

I’m often asked where most design mistakes are made. Many come to mind, like latching on to quickly outdated trends, forcing furnishings or a design style that is incongruous to a home’s architecture, or doing DIY when a skilled professional is required. But one of the biggest mistakes a trained design eye will catch right away is the wrong proportion.

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How Do I Love Thee?
Healthy Home, Home Design, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Healthy Home, Home Design, Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

How Do I Love Thee?

By the time February rolls around, most of us are tired of complaining about the cold weather and the latest strains of Covid that are putting a monkey wrench into things. But I actually look forward to February because they hold one of the most important days of the year, Valentine’s Day.

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Let Go To Let In
Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn Interior Design The Interior Design Shrink | Kim Eastburn

Let Go To Let In

I was chatting with a friend the other day about all the new blessings in her life - a new home, a new romance, a new job and even a new geographical location. We were reminiscing about all the pain that came before and how she wouldn't have been able to manifest this bountiful and beautiful life if she kept clinging for dear life to the old one. I recently had a similar conversation with a client who said she felt “as if she was dying under the weight of all her old things”. She knew it was going to be an arduous task, but her courage and desire to purge decades worth of old clothing and furniture (and old, stale energy!) revealed a beautiful, clean slate underneath. Now, in the void created by removal and letting go, she is free of old impedances and can see new possibilities for making this her dream home once again.

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